Posts Tagged ‘Tia Li’

GTV previously announced their new drama project, “Hayate the Combat Butler” at the Taipei Television Festival back in September. But its filming has been put on hold for almost a month now because their initial character images were unsatisfactory, and lacking prestige.  While they were getting a makeover, lead actress Park Shin Hye went back to Korea for a month break. She returned just a few days ago to resume filming with the rest of the cast. Tia Li, who’s playing the house maid in the drama, was not in her maid wardrobe; instead, she looked elegant with her curled hair and high heels.

George Hu was spotted chatting with Tia, and so the media asked if he had been mesmerized by the model, but George quickly explained, “I was only asking her how to set up a micro-blog.” It turned out that George has been quite outdated with the internet. With many celebs opening micro-blogs lately, George also wanted to hop onto the bandwagon. Tia simply instructed, “Just write what ever you like, and that’s it!”

It is GTV’s first time working with a Korean actress; taking things seriously, they asked all the actors to rehearse the script at the production company before filming. Tia expressed that she is very nervous as it is her first drama (she had a cameo role in Summer’s Desire), but she also feels very lucky to be working with George, complimenting that he’s polite and good looking.


Indonesian Translate :

GTV sebelumnya mengumumkan proyek drama baru mereka, “Hayate Combat Butler” di Taipei televisi Festival kembali pada bulan September. Namun film telah ditahan selama hampir sebulan ini karena gambar karakter awal mereka tidak memuaskan, dan kurang prestise. Sementara mereka mendapatkan makeover, memimpin aktris Park Shin Hye kembali ke Korea bulan istirahat. Dia kembali hanya beberapa hari yang lalu untuk melanjutkan syuting dengan sisa pemain. Tia Li, siapa yang bermain pembantu rumah dalam drama, tidak dalam lemari pakaian pembantunya, sebaliknya, dia tampak anggun dengan dia meringkuk rambut dan sepatu hak tinggi.

George Hu terlihat mengobrol dengan Tia, dan media bertanya apakah ia telah terpesona oleh model, namun George cepat menjelaskan, Ternyata George telah “Aku hanya bertanya padanya bagaimana mengatur blog-mikro.” cukup ketinggalan jaman dengan internet. Dengan banyak celebs membuka mikro-blog akhir-akhir ini, George juga ingin melompat ke kereta musik. Tia hanya diperintahkan, “Hanya menulis apa yang pernah Anda sukai, dan hanya itu!”

Ini adalah pertama kalinya GTV bekerja dengan aktris Korea; mengambil hal-hal serius, mereka meminta semua aktor untuk berlatih script di perusahaan produksi sebelum syuting. Tia menyatakan bahwa dia sangat gugup karena drama pertamanya (dia memiliki peran cameo di Summer’s Desire), tetapi ia juga merasa sangat beruntung bisa bekerja dengan George, memuji bahwa dia sopan dan tampan.