Hyun Joong going to miss being Baek Seung Jo

Posted: October 21, 2010 in Kim Hyun Joong, ss501
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“I think I’m going to miss those 3 months as Baek Seung-jo”.

Singer and actor Kim Hyun-joong expresses his grief to the ending of MBC drama [Playful Kiss] to which he stars across as the male protagonist for the first time.

On the 21st, Kim Hyun-joong expressed through his agency Keyeast that he is “very grateful to the seniors whom he respect, as well as Hani (Jung Somin), Jungu (Lee Taesung), Haera (Lee Si-young) etc, all of the Playful Kiss family members”, “Once again, I’ve gained yet another precious experience”.

Kim Hyunjoong has been displaying the other side of him to the audiences with his genius role as Baek Seung-jo in [Playful Kiss] that began its first broadcast on September 1.

Kim Hyunjoong says, “Will be taking a temporary rest for the moment and then prepare for the next next activity”, “In order to repay my fans’ love from which I received from this drama, I will return with a more developed profile in the area of singing, ating etc. Do just keep anticipating”, as he pleads.

On the other hand, Kim Hyunjoong will be pouring his gratitude towards his fans on the 21st October with his beloved fans who have shown him much support all this while. After which, he will dwelve into shooting for [Playful Kiss Special Youtube Edition], along with other previously delayed work such as pictorial shoots, CF shooting etc.

Translate Indonesian :

Penyanyi dan aktor Kim Hyun-joong menyatakan kesedihan kepada akhir drama MBC [Playful Kiss] yang ia bintang di sebagai protagonis pria untuk pertama kalinya.

Pada 21, Kim Hyun-joong diungkapkan melalui agen Keyeast bahwa ia “sangat berterima kasih kepada para senior yang ia menghormati, serta dll Hani (Jung Somin), Jungu (Lee Taesung), Haera (Lee Si-muda), semua anggota keluarga Playful Kiss “,” Sekali lagi, saya telah mendapatkan pengalaman berharga lagi “.

Kim Hyunjoong telah menampilkan sisi lain dia untuk penonton dengan peran jenius sebagai Baek Seung-jo di [Playful Kiss] yang mulai siaran pertama kali pada tanggal 1 September.

Kim Hyunjoong mengatakan, “Akan istirahat sementara untuk saat ini dan kemudian mempersiapkan untuk kegiatan berikutnya berikutnya”, “Dalam rangka membayar kasih fans saya ‘dari yang saya terima dari drama ini, saya akan kembali dengan profil yang lebih berkembang di bidang menyanyi, akting dll Jangan terus mengantisipasi “, saat ia memohon.

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